Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): Glocal Conversations: Keeping it Global

How global is the Church? How global has it always been? This issue of Glocal Conversations addresses that with four great articles and two book reviews. In the first article, Asian missions veteran Steve Cochrane considers business as mission - BAM - in the first 1500 years of Church history in Asia. BAM is not new! Monk merchants of the Church of the East have been doing this for a long time already. In our second and third articles, Tiago de Melo brings Brazilian perspective on the hyper-relevant complexities of Christian engagement of cultural plurality, with two (identical in content) articles, one in English and one in Portuguese - a first for us. Finally, Paul Miller delivers a mic drop critique of the hermeneutic of Greg Boyd's recent book Cross Vision. More than a book review, this article engages an ongoing trend of grave concern, especially in the West.

We continue to include book reviews. Steve Cochrane reviews Vince Bantu's highly-acclaimed A Multitude of All Peoples: Engaging Ancient Christianity’s Global Identity, and Cleber Paula Santos reviews Christian Egalitarian Leadership: Empowering the Whole Church According to the Scriptures, edited by Aida Besançon Spencer and William David Spencer. Both books are worthy of your thoughtful reflection. Enjoy the reading.

As always, we welcome feedback to this issue. Please feel free to write the authors at the addresses indicated on their files, or write me at [email protected].

Glenn Martin

For the Editorial team

Published: 2021-05-14